Final ending(어말어미) is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical tool in Korean grammar. It's an ending that comes at the end of a verb, adjective, or predicate particle when it is conjugated. There are connective endings(연결어미) that connect to the next word, transformative endings(전성어미) that change the part of speech, and final endings(종결어미) that conclude the sentence. These final endings are essential for forming complete sentences in Korean and conveying meaning effectively.
Let's study the sentence, “안녕하세요, 오늘 날씨가 정말 좋네요.”
The base form or dictionary form of "안녕하세요" is "안녕하다". Korean verbs and adjectives are formed by combining a word's stem and an ending. Unlike English adjectives, Korean adjectives have a descriptive function similar to verbs. In Korean, "안녕하세요" is an adjective. The "안녕하-" in "안녕하세요" is the stem, which is the part that doesn't change when the adjective is conjugated. In "안녕하세요," "-세요" is an interrogative ending of ordinary honorifics as 안녕하세요 is asking the other person's status politely. "가" in "날씨가" is a subjective particle that tells us that the weather is the subject of the sentence. The base form of "좋네요" is "좋다." The stem of 좋네요 is "좋," and "네요" is an exclamatory sentence final ending. The final ending of exclamatory sentences in Korean is 감탄형 종결어미, and the interrogative ending of ordinary honorifics is 예사 높임의 의문형 종결 어미. Explanation of Korean BanmalClick the speaker icon in the box to listen to the Korean speech on the Google Translate page. Korean banmal is an informal and casual speech level used with close friends, family members, and children. Unlike jondaenmal (polite speech), banmal focuses on expressing intimacy rather than showing respect to the other person. 간단한 문장 구조: 반말은 존댓말보다 간단하고 직접적인 문장 구조를 사용합니다. 예를 들어, 존댓말에서는 "밥 먹었어요?"라고 말하는 반면, 반말에서는 "밥 먹어?" 라고 말합니다. Simple sentence structure: Banmal uses simpler and more direct sentence structures than jondaenmal. For example, instead of saying "밥을 먹었어요?" (Have you eaten?) in jondaenmal, one would say "밥 먹었어?” in banmal. Contracted vocabulary: Banmal often uses contracted forms of words compared to jondaenmal. For instance, instead of saying "고맙습니다" (Thank you) in jondaenmal, one would say "고마워" in banmal. Informal expressions: Banmal employs more informal expressions than jondaenmal. For example, instead of saying "이것은 무엇입니까?" (What is this?), one would say "이거 뭐야?" in banmal. 반말 사용 시 주의 사항: 상대방과의 관계: 반말은 친한 사람이나 가족, 어린아이에게만 사용해야 합니다. 나이가 많거나 존경하는 사람에게 반말을 사용하는 것은 무례한 것으로 간주됩니다. 반말은 모든 상황에서 적절한 것은 아닙니다. 공식적인 장소나 낯선 사람과 대화할 때는 존댓말을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. Relationship with the other person: Banmal should only be used with close friends, family members, and children. Using banmal with someone older or more respected is considered rude. Banmal is not appropriate for all situations. It is better to use jondaenmal in formal settings or when talking to strangers. What is 사이시옷 (saisiot)? 사이시옷 (saisiot) is a Korean word that refers to the consonant ㅅ(siot) that is inserted between two nouns to create a compound noun. When two words are combined to form a new compound word, "ㅅ(siot)" is added at the end of the previous word to indicate that the first syllable of the following word should be pronounced strongly. When 사이시옷 is used? 사이시옷 is used to connect two nouns into a new compound noun that has a specific meaning. The meaning of the compound noun is usually related to the meanings of the two original nouns. For example, the word 고춧가루 (gochukkaru) is a compound noun made up of the words 고추 (gochu, "red pepper") and 가루 (garu, "powder"). The 사이시옷 ㅅ connects the two nouns and creates a new noun with the meaning "red pepper powder". The inserted "ㅅ(siot)" makes the sound of "가" in "가루" pronounced strong such as "까루." Thus, the pronunciation of "고춧가루" is "고추까루(gochukkaru)." When two words are combined to make one word, ㅅ is added at the end of the preceding word that ends in a vowel to indicate that the following word sound should be pronounced strongly. Therefore, if the word that follows is a strong sound (ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ) or an aspirated sound(ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ), then 사이시옷(saisiot) is not used. 사이시옷(saisiot) is also used when the "ㄴ" sound is added between nouns. When "노래(Song)" and "말(Word)" are combined, it is pronounced as 노랜말(noraenmal), that is "ㄴ" is added between "노래" and "말". To use 사이시옷(saisiot) correctly, you must learn the standard pronunciation well. Even if the words end with the same "말(mal)", the reason why 사이시옷(saisiot) is used for ‘존댓말" meaning "Honorific words" and 사이시옷(saisiot) is not used for "인사말" meaning "Greetings" is because the standard pronunciations for each are 존댄말 and 인사말, respectively. Key points about 사이시옷:
Examples when 사이시옷(saisiot) is used : 시냇가(sinaekka), 바닷가(badakka), 빗물(binmul), 아랫마을(alaenmaeul), 나뭇잎(namunnip), 깻잎(ggaennip). Examples when 사이시옷(saisiot) is not used :
In written Korean, the correct spacing between words is essential in order to send the right message.Youtube link
(1) 웃다(Base form or dictionary form). 웃다 (to laugh): 웃(stem)+다(base ending). 웃고: 웃(stem) + 고(ending). 그는 TV를 보면서 웃고 있다. (He is laughing while watching TV). 웃지: 웃(stem) + 지(ending). 그는 수업시간이라 큰 소리로 웃지 못했다. (He could not loudly laugh as he was in class). 웃어: 웃(stem) + 어(ending). 사진 찍을 시간이에요, 웃어보아요. (It is time to take a picture; please smile). 웃으니: 웃(stem) + 으니(ending). 엄마가 웃으니 아기도 웃었다. (The baby also laughed as his mom laughed). (2) 먹다 (Base form or dictionary form). 먹다 (to eat): 먹(stem) + 다(base ending) 먹고: 먹(stem) + 고(ending) 아침밥은 먹고 공부해라. (Study after eating breakfast). 먹지: 먹(stem) + 지(ending) 배부르면 먹지 마라. (If you are full, do not eat). 먹어: 먹(stem) + 어(ending of word) 이 과일은 맛있으니 먹어 보아라. (As this fruit is delicious, please try it). 먹으니: 먹(stem) + 으니(ending of word). 너무 많이 먹으니 걷기가 힘들었다. (As I overate, it was hard to walk). As seen above examples, regular predicates (e.g., verbs and adjectives) do not change their stems; only the ending of word changes to express each situation. For example, the ending "다" is for the completion of the sentence and the ending "고" is for connecting sentences, etc. Also, some predicates are considered as regular even though stem changes if phonological rules can explain the change. There are two such cases: '으' 탈락(omission) and 'ㄹ' 탈락(omission). In '으' 탈락 ('으' omission), the '으' sound in the stem. For example, '으' in '쓰어' and '으' in '담그' are omitted when endings of words are vowels with the beginning sound of '-아/어' or "-았/-었." In 'ㄹ' omission, when endings of the word begin with (ㄴ, ㅂ, -시, -오), then 'ㄹ' in the stem is omitted. (1) Example of ‘으’ omission, 쓰다 (write) : 쓰고, 쓰지, 써(쓰+어), 쓰니 쓰다: 쓰(stem)+다(base ending). 쓰고: 쓰(stem)+고(ending). 나는 지금 일기를 쓰고 있다. (I am writing a diary now). 쓰지: 쓰(stem)+지(ending). 글을 쓰지 말고 책을 많이 읽어라. (Do not write, but read many books). 써: Instead of 쓰어, this word becomes 써. 으 in stem 쓰 is omitted as the word's ending is 어 sound. 일기를 써보니 쉽지 않다. (As I wrote a diary, I found that it is not easy). 쓰니: 쓰(stem)+니(ending of the word). 일기를 매일 쓰니 기분이 좋다. (As I write a diary every day, I feel good). (2) Example of 'ㄹ' omission. 놀다 (play): 놀(stem)+다(base ending). 놀고: 놀(stem)+고(ending). 그만 놀고 숙제좀 해라. (Stop playing and please do your homework). 놀지: 놀(stem)+지(ending). 밖에서 놀지 말고 공부좀 해라. (Don't play outside and study). 노는, when the ending word is "는," then "ㄹ" in the stem(놀) is omitted as the ending of the word begin with 'ㄴ.' That is, the ending (는) of the word (노는) begins with 'ㄴ.' Therefore instead of '놀는,' this word becomes '노는' with the batchim 'ㄹ' is omitted. Batchim is the final sound(consonant) placed below the vowel, the middle sound. 이 추운 겨울에 학교 운동장에서 노는 어린이들을 봐라. (Look at the children playing in the playground during this cold winter). 노니, when the ending of the word is "니," then "ㄹ" in the stem (놀) is omitted as the ending of word 니 begins with 'ㄴ.' Therefore instead of '놀니,' this word becomes '노니' with the batchim 'ㄹ' is omitted. 너는 숙제를 안끝내고 또 노니? (Are you playing again without finishing your homework?) Another example of 'ㄹ' omission. 울다 (verb, base form). 울다(to cry): 울(stem)+다(base ending). 울고: 울(stem)+고(ending). 그만 울고 저녁 먹어. (Stop crying and eat dinner). 울지: 울(stem)+지(ending). 울지 말고 공부해라. (Do not cry and study). 우는: 우(stem)+는(ending). When the ending word is "는," then "ㄹ" is omitted from the stem. Therefore instead of '울는,' this word becomes '우는' with the batchim 'ㄹ' is omitted. 우는 아기가 방안에 있다. (There is a crying baby in the room.) 우니, when the ending of the word is "니," then the batchim "ㄹ" is omitted from the stem. Therefore instead of '울니,' this word becomes '우니' with the batchim 'ㄹ' is omitted. 네가 그렇게 슬피 우니 나도 슬프다. (As you cry so sadly, I am also sad). In the regular predicates, the stem and the ending of the words do not change or change regularly. Thus, verbs or adjectives having '으' 탈락(omission) and 'ㄹ' 탈락(omission) can be considered as regular predicates. In Korean, the process of changing the form of verbs and adjectives to express different grammatical meanings or functions is called 활용 (Conjugation). This is achieved by attaching various elements called 어미(ending) to the 어간(stem). 어간 does not change when conjugated. 어간 and 어미 can be separated into distinct units, and 어간 generally have a consistent form. The combination of 어간 and 어미 allows verbs and adjectives to convey a wide range of grammatical meanings and functions.
There are five basic Korean sentence structures.
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품사는 문법적 관점에서 단어들이 가지고 있는 공통성을 기준으로 단어들을 분류한 유형입니다. Parts of speech are the types of words categorized based on the commonalities they have from a grammatical point of view. 한국어에서 쓰이는 모든 단어는 명사, 대명사, 동사, 형용사, 부사, 감탄사, 관형사, 수사, 조사 등 9 품사로 분류됩니다. All words used in Korean can be categorized into 9 parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, interjection, pre-noun, numeral, and postposition. 반면에 영어 단어들은 명사, 대명사, 동사, 형용사, 부사, 감탄사, 접속사, 전치사 등 8 품사로 분류됩니다. On the other hand, English words are categorized into eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, interjection, conjunction, and preposition. 명사, 대명사, 동사, 형용사, 부사, 감탄사는 한국어와 영어에서 모두 공통되는 품사입니다. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and interjections are common parts of speech in both Korean and English. 한국어는 언어의 특성상, 관형사와 조사라는 품사가 있습니다. Due to the nature of Korean language, there are parts of speech called pre-noun and postposition. 관형사는 명사, 대명사, 및 수사 앞에 놓여 이런 명사들을 수식합니다. 관형사는 형용사처럼 활용되지 않습니다. Pre-nouns are placed before nouns, pronouns, and numerals to modify these words. Pre-nouns are not conjugated like adjectives. 영어의 전치사는 단어 앞에 붙지만, 조사는 단어 뒤에 붙습니다. In English, prepositions are placed before words, whereas particles are placed after words. 조사는 명사, 대명사, 수사, 부사 뒤에 위치하여 그 단어들을 수식합니다. Postpositions are placed after nouns, pronouns, numerals, and adverbs and modify them. 한국어 문장에는 단어 사이에 공백이 있습니다. 그러나 단어와 조사 사이에는 공백이 없습니다. In a Korean sentence, there is a space between words. But there is no space between a word and a postposition. 다른 단어들과는 달리 조사라는 단어는 문장에서 단독으로 사용될 수 없습니다. Unlike other words, the word postposition can not be used alone in the sentence. 조사는 문장안에서 단어를 주어나 목적어로 만듭니다. 또한, 조사는 단어에 특별한 의미를 부여하거나 단어 사이의 접속사 역할을 합니다.
Postpositions make the words a subject or an object in the sentence. Also, postpositions add a special meaning to the words, or work as a conjunction between words. |
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