문장 분석 | Sentence Analysis"텔레비전을 보느라고 시간이 가는 줄 몰랐어요." - "I didn’t realize time was passing because I was watching TV."텔레비전을 (TV)텔레비전: A noun that means "television." 을: Object marker particle, used after a noun to indicate it is the object of the verb. (object marker) Why 을 is used: In Korean grammar, the object marker 을 is attached to a noun that ends in a consonant. Since 텔레비전 ends in a consonant (ㄴ), 을 is used to mark it as the object of the verb 보다 (to see). 보느라고 (see / because of doing)보: Action verb meaning "to see." 보 is the verb stem of the dictionary form 보다, which means "to see" or "to watch." The verb stem is used when conjugating the verb with different endings or grammatical structures. 느라고: Connector indicating the reason or cause for the main clause. It roughly translates to "because" or "in order to." (reason connector) 시간이 (time)시간: A noun meaning "time." 이: Subject marker particle, used to indicate the subject of the sentence. (subject marker) 가는 줄 (to go / to not know)가: Action verb meaning "to go." 가 is the verb stem of the dictionary form 가다, which means "to go." The verb stem is used when conjugating the verb with various endings, such as 는 in this case, to indicate the ongoing action or state. 는 줄: A grammatical structure meaning "the fact that." (fact phrase) 몰랐어요 (did not know)몰랐어요 is the polite past tense form of the verb 모르다, which means "to not know" or "to be unaware of." It indicates that the speaker was unaware of a fact or situation in the past. When combined with "줄," as in 몰랐어요, it translates to "I didn’t realize" or "I didn’t know," expressing an unawareness about the fact mentioned earlier in the sentence. Example: 시간이 가는 줄 몰랐어요: "I didn’t realize time was passing."