한국 여행 중 비상시 필요한 문장여기 Wi-Fi 있나요?여기 Wi-Fi 있나요? (yeo-gi Wi-Fi it-na-yo?) 여행 중 인터넷 연결은 매우 중요합니다. 대부분의 카페나 숙소에서 무료 Wi-Fi를 제공하므로 이를 물어보세요. Is there Wi-Fi here? Internet access is vital while traveling. Most cafes and accommodations offer free Wi-Fi, so feel free to ask. 화장실이 어디에 있나요?화장실이 어디에 있나요? (hwa-jang-shil-i eo-di-e it-na-yo?) 대중교통과 관광지에서 화장실 위치를 아는 것은 필수입니다. 화장실은 'Restroom' 또는 'Toilet'이라고도 쓰여 있습니다. Where is the restroom? Knowing the location of restrooms in public places and tourist spots is essential. Look for signs that say 'Restroom' or 'Toilet.' 응급 상황이에요!응급 상황이에요! (eung-geup sang-hwang-i-e-yo!) 응급 시, 이 문장을 외쳐 주위를 빠르게 알리세요. 도움이 필요한 경우, 경찰(112)이나 구급차(119)를 부르세요. It’s an emergency! In case of an emergency, use this phrase to quickly alert others. Call 112 for police or 119 for an ambulance. 여권을 잃어버렸어요.여권을 잃어버렸어요. (yeo-gwon-eul il-eo-beo-ryeot-seo-yo.) 여권 분실 시, 대사관에 방문하여 긴급 발급을 요청해야 합니다. I lost my passport. If you lose your passport, visit your embassy to request an emergency reissue. 길을 잃었어요.길을 잃었어요. (gil-eul il-eot-seo-yo.) 길을 잃은 경우, 현재 위치를 설명하고 도움을 요청하세요. 지도를 활용하면 유용합니다. I’m lost. If you lose your way, describe your current location and ask for help. Using a map can be very helpful. 이 약을 사고 싶어요.이 약을 사고 싶어요. (i yak-eul sa-go sip-eo-yo.) 약국에서 특정 약을 사고 싶을 때 사용하세요. 증상을 설명하면 적합한 약을 추천받을 수 있습니다. I want to buy this medicine. Use this phrase in a pharmacy to purchase specific medicine. Describing symptoms helps in getting the right recommendation. 얼마나 걸리나요?얼마나 걸리나요? (eol-ma-na geol-li-na-yo?) 도착 시간이나 거리, 대기 시간을 물어볼 때 유용합니다. How long does it take? Useful for asking about travel time, distance, or waiting time. 영어 할 줄 아는 사람이 있나요?영어 할 줄 아는 사람이 있나요? (yeong-eo hal jul a-neun sa-ram-i it-na-yo?) 한국어가 어려울 경우, 영어 가능자를 찾는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. Is there someone who speaks English? If Korean is too difficult, this phrase helps you find someone who can communicate in English. 도와주세요!도와주세요! (do-wa-ju-se-yo!) 급박한 상황에서 도움을 요청하는 간단하고 효과적인 표현입니다. Please help me! A simple yet effective expression to ask for assistance in urgent situations. 이 번호로 전화해 주세요.이 번호로 전화해 주세요. (i beon-ho-ro jeon-hwa-hae ju-se-yo.) 필요한 곳에 전화를 걸어달라고 부탁할 때 사용하세요. 번호를 미리 준비해 두는 것이 좋습니다. Please call this number. Use this phrase to request someone to make a call for you. Having the number ready beforehand is advisable.
7 Speech Levels in Korean
1. 하소서체 (Hasoseo Style - Highest Respect)
Formal Style: Used for gods, kings, or very formal figures.
2. 하십시오체 (Hashipsiyo Style - Very Respectful)
Formal Style: Used in formal settings to show great respect.
3. 하오체 (Hao Style - Polite Respect)
Formal Style: Used for showing respect in less formal situations.
4. 해요체 (Haeyo Style - Casual Respect)
Informal Style: Commonly used in daily conversations with respect.
5. 하게체 (Hage Style - Polite Casual)
Formal Style: Used with close or slightly younger people.
6. 해라체 (Haera Style - Lowest Formal)
Formal Style: Used with subordinates or close friends.
7. 해체 (Hae Style - Casual)
Informal Style: Most informal, used in close relationships.
존댓말 (jondaenmal): Used when speaking to someone you want to show respect to, like elders, superiors, or people you are not close to. 반말 (banmal): Used with close friends and family members or when you want to speak very informally.
Understanding "Yeoboseyo"A comprehensive guide to the history, meaning, and usage of "Yeoboseyo." The Meaning and Usage of "Yeoboseyo""Yeoboseyo" (여보세요) is the standard greeting used exclusively during phone calls in Korean. It is a neutral and polite expression to initiate a conversation and can be used regardless of formality. Why is "Yeoboseyo" Only Used for Phone Calls?The word "Yeoboseyo" originates from "여기 보세요" (yeogi boseyo), which means "Look here" or "Pay attention." In the past, it was used in face-to-face conversations to get someone's attention. However, with the introduction of telephones in Korea, it evolved into a way to catch the listener's attention when visual cues were absent. Unlike face-to-face expressions like "저기요" (jeogiyo) or "이봐요" (ibwayo), "Yeoboseyo" is specifically reserved for telephone use. Koreans do not say "여보" (yeobo) or "여보십시오" (yeobosipsio) on the phone because these phrases carry very different meanings in Korean culture. The Role of "Yeobo" in Korean"Yeobo" (여보) is a term of endearment between married couples, akin to "honey" or "darling" in English. It is used exclusively by spouses to address each other in a loving or familiar way. Because of its intimate nature, using "Yeobo" on the phone in a general context would be confusing or inappropriate unless the speakers are husband and wife. Everyday Use of "Yeoboseyo"In modern Korean, "Yeoboseyo" is not used outside of phone calls. For example, you would not use it to grab someone's attention on the street or in a room. Instead, expressions like "저기요" (jeogiyo) or "잠깐만요" (jamkkanmanyo) are used in such contexts. Examples of "Yeoboseyo" in ConversationsExample 1: Answering a Call A: 여보세요? Example 2: Wrong Number A: 여보세요? Example 3: Asking Who is Calling A: 여보세요? Example 4: No One Responds A: 여보세요? 여보세요? (Hello? Hello?) Example 5: Expressing Urgency A: 여보세요? 빨리 말씀해주세요. (Hello? Please speak quickly.) Cultural Notes on "Yeoboseyo""Yeoboseyo" is not just a functional word but also reflects the politeness embedded in Korean culture. When using this greeting, the speaker is implicitly showing respect and attentiveness to the person on the other end of the call. The exclusivity of "Yeoboseyo" for phone calls highlights how Korean language and culture adapt expressions to specific contexts, maintaining clarity and appropriateness. Understanding the difference between "Yeoboseyo" and terms like "Yeobo" can also help non-Korean speakers avoid awkward situations. For example, addressing someone with "Yeobo" outside of a spousal relationship would be considered highly inappropriate and might cause confusion or embarrassment. 외국인을 위한 한국 음식점 기본 회화 Basic phrases for foreigners in Korean restaurants 1. 메뉴판 주세요. "Please give me the menu."
메뉴판 주세요.
Menyupan juseyo. (메뉴판: menu, 주다: to give) 2. 추천 메뉴 뭐예요? "What is the recommended dish?"
추천 메뉴 뭐예요?
Chucheon menyu mwoyeyo? (추천: recommendation, 메뉴: menu, 뭐: what) 3. 이거 뭐예요? "What is this?"
이거 뭐예요?
Igeo mwoyeyo? (이거: this, 뭐: what) 4. 맵지 않게 해주세요. "Please make it not spicy."
맵지 않게 해주세요.
Maepji anke haejuseyo. (맵다: spicy, 않다: not, 해주다: to do for someone) 5. 물 좀 주세요. "Please give me some water."
물 좀 주세요.
Mul jom juseyo. (물: water, 좀: some, 주다: to give) 6. 계산서 주세요. "Please give me the bill."
계산서 주세요.
Gyesanseo juseyo. (계산서: bill, 주다: to give) 7. 포장해 주세요. "Please pack this to go."
포장해 주세요.
Pojanghae juseyo. (포장하다: to pack, 주다: to give) 8. 반찬 더 주세요. "Please give me more side dishes."
반찬 더 주세요.
Banchan deo juseyo. (반찬: side dishes, 더: more, 주다: to give) 9. 맛있어요! "It's delicious!"
Masisseoyo! (맛있다: delicious) 10. 이거 더 주세요. "Please give me more of this."
이거 더 주세요.
Igeo deo juseyo. (이거: this, 더: more, 주다: to give) 외국인을 위한 인천공항 기본 회화 Basic phrases for foreigners navigating Incheon Airport 1. 여권 보여주세요. "Please show me your passport."
여권 보여주세요.
Yeogwon boyeo-juseyo. (여권: passport, 보여주다: to show) 2. 입국신고서 어디에 제출해요? "Where do I submit the arrival card?"
입국신고서 어디에 제출해요?
Ib-guk-sin-go-seo eo-di-e je-chul-hae-yo? (입국신고서: arrival card, 제출하다: to submit) 3. 짐 찾는 곳 어디예요? "Where is the baggage claim?"
짐 찾는 곳 어디예요?
Jim chat-neun got eo-di-ye-yo? (짐: baggage, 찾다: to find) 4. 세관 신고 필요해요? "Do I need to declare customs?"
세관 신고 필요해요?
Se-gwan sin-go pil-yo-hae-yo? (세관: customs, 신고: declaration) 5. 환전소 어디에 있어요? "Where is the currency exchange?"
환전소 어디에 있어요?
Hwan-jeon-so eo-di-e is-seo-yo? (환전소: currency exchange, 있다: to be located) 6. 화장실 어디예요? "Where is the restroom?"
화장실 어디예요?
Hwa-jang-sil eo-di-ye-yo? (화장실: restroom, 어디: where) 7. 인터넷 와이파이 어떻게 연결해요? "How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?"
인터넷 와이파이 어떻게 연결해요?
In-teo-net wai-pai eo-tteo-ke yeon-gyeol-hae-yo? (와이파이: Wi-Fi, 연결하다: to connect) 8. 공항철도 어디에서 타요? "Where can I take the Airport Railroad?"
공항철도 어디에서 타요?
Gong-hang-cheol-do eo-di-e-seo ta-yo? (공항철도: Airport Railroad, 타다: to take) 9. 유심카드 어디에서 살 수 있어요? "Where can I buy a SIM card?"
유심카드 어디에서 살 수 있어요?
Yu-sim-ka-deu eo-di-e-seo sal su is-seo-yo? (유심카드: SIM card, 사다: to buy) 10. 호텔 셔틀버스 어디에서 타요? "Where can I take the hotel shuttle bus?"
호텔 셔틀버스 어디에서 타요?
Ho-tel syeo-teul-beo-seu eo-di-e-seo ta-yo? (호텔: hotel, 셔틀버스: shuttle bus) 외국인을 위한 서울 지하철 기본 회화 Basic phrases for foreigners to navigate the Seoul subway system 1. 지하철역 어디예요? "Where is the subway station?"
지하철역 어디예요?
Ji-ha-cheol-yeok eo-di-ye-yo? (지하철역: subway station, 어디: where) 2. 2호선 어떻게 가요? "How do I get to Line 2?"
2호선 어떻게 가요?
2-ho-seon eo-tteo-ke ga-yo? (호선: subway line, 어떻게: how) 3. 지하철 요금 얼마예요? "How much is the subway fare?"
지하철 요금 얼마예요?
Ji-ha-cheol yo-geum eol-ma-ye-yo? (요금: fare, 얼마: how much) 4. 교통카드 사용 가능해요? "Can I use a transportation card?"
교통카드 사용 가능해요?
Gyo-tong-ka-deu sa-yong ga-neung-hae-yo? (교통카드: transportation card, 사용: use) 5. 3호선 환승 어디예요? "Where is the transfer to Line 3?"
3호선 환승 어디예요?
3-ho-seon hwan-seung eo-di-ye-yo? (환승: transfer) 6. 이 열차 강남 가요? "Does this train go to Gangnam?"
이 열차 강남 가요?
I yeol-cha Gang-nam ga-yo? (열차: train, 강남: Gangnam) 7. 여기가 4호선 맞아요? "Is this the right platform for Line 4?"
여기가 4호선 맞아요?
Yeogi-ga 4-ho-seon ma-ja-yo? (여기: here, 맞아요: correct) 8. 실례합니다, 도와줄 수 있어요? "Excuse me, can you help me?"
실례합니다, 도와줄 수 있어요?
Sil-lye-ham-ni-da, do-wa-jul su is-seo-yo? (실례합니다: excuse me, 도와주다: help) 9. 롯데백화점 출구 어디예요? "Where is the exit for Lotte Department Store?"
롯데백화점 출구 어디예요?
Lotte-baek-hwa-jeom chul-gu eo-di-ye-yo? (출구: exit, 백화점: department store) 10. 막차 몇 시예요? "What time is the last train?"
막차 몇 시예요?
Mak-cha myeot si-ye-yo? (막차: last train, 몇 시: what time) |